200hr Yoga Teacher Training

For Colorado College and UCCS Community

Hosted at Colorado College


You’re invited!

At Cambio Yoga, we offer a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty and prepare you to teach a safe, well rounded, inclusive class (if you choose to teach!) and help you gain more knowledge and experience in the greater depths of yoga.

Questions? Send in an application or email ytt@cambioyoga.com.

Schedule & Details

  • Take 6 Weekend Modules during the Spring Semester

    • Friday 5:30-9:30p, Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:30p (with occasional early releases)

    • January 19-21

    • February 2-4

    • Febrauary 23-25

    • March 29-31

    • April 5-7

    • April 26-28

  • 4 Supervised Practice Teach Sessions to hone your skills:

    • Sundays, 12-5p

    • February 11

    • March 10

    • April 14

    • May 5

  • 1 "Embracing Your Practice" 5.5hr Module

    • March 3, 9:00a-2:30p

  • Teach Out (Graudation)

    • May 12, 9:00a-1:00p

  • Independent Work at your own leisure to include 4 Vinyasa classes and 2 class observations at Cambio Yoga and homework including reading, pre-recorded videos and weekly mentor check-ins

  • $2,650 tuition

    • $300 deposit to save your spot. Registration deadline: Monday, January 15

    • Receive interest free payment plans as long as you're paid off by April 1; $250 admin fee thereafter

    • Cambio accepts MyCAA Scholarships for eligible military spouses

    • Scholarships are available to CC students who commit to teaching in the fitness center in the 2024-25 academic year

Six Objectives for our Programs

  • Learn to teach and modify a fundamentally sound, safe, and accessible class.
  • Learn to to give safe hands on adjustments.
  • Gain an understanding of the chakra system and use it to experience personal growth
  • Gain a basic understanding of yoga philosophy.
  • Be exposed to the wide world of yoga beyond the postures i.e. prenatal, sanskrit, pranayama, chanting, business of yoga, meditation, etc…
  • Have fun and connect with community.

Who is this Teacher Training for?

Whoever you are & whatever path you embark on, there is much to be gained from this program!


  • Maybe you have years of experience or maybe you are brand new to the practice. Either way, our Lead Teachers offer an experience custom to your experience level. You will learn about your own practice in terms of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
  • “Cambio’s loving, accepting, and nurturing community made this one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The vast knowledge of the staff has been the most valuable gift in my journey. I knew I was on the right path and in the right place every time I was with my amazing sangha and teachers. Transformational is a term commonly and appropriately used for this experience, cliche or not. I would say this has been challenging, thought provoking, and inspirational. Thank you.”  -Jesi S


  • Do you want to experience the unique feeling of teaching yoga? This can be a beautiful opportunity to connect with others and serve your community. Rest assured that you will graduate with the skills to teach a safe, well-rounded and intelligently sequenced class.
  • “I was armed with a set of practical skills to be a safe and effective yoga teacher.” - Katie W


  • In Yoga Teacher Training, you develop a “sangha”, or community. These groups tend to grow very close and are unlike many relationships you experience in your day-to-day lives. In the Intensive YTT, you are with the same people for the duration of the training. In the Extended YTT, you may know several people in your module that month, but there may also be some new faces you haven’t seen before!
  • “I've always known that Cambio was big on supporting the community and bringing it together but I also got to experience it in a whole new way. One that I will never forget.” - Andi S


  • Yes! Many people aren’t sure of their “why” or what they want to do with a YTT certification. That’s great! Many people also start with one idea in mind, and after being exposed to the wide world of yoga through our training, come out with very different ideas. Some people incorporate what they have learned in their jobs as school teachers, physical & massage therapists, and even as Army chaplains. 
  • “I found myself, by finding how to teach yoga.” Kyle J

Meet Your Teachers

Amber Richman :: Cambio Owner, YTT Director, Lead Teacher :: M.A.T., E-RYT 500, RCYT, C-IAYT

Amber first became enamored with yoga as a three year old when her mother would come home from classes at the Y and show her poses. At some point, her mom wasn’t able to keep up with yoga as a single parent. For Amber, this is where the desire to make yoga accessible has its earliest roots.

Later, in junior high and high school, Amber became interested in both metaphysics and eastern philosophy and noticed that everything seemed to lead back to yoga. She started with meditation and breathwork, finally tried asana at home with videos, and eventually became brave enough to take Kundalini classes at a Seattle community center. It took her years after that to summon the courage for studio yoga. All of the magazines and videos showed one body type (and age, gender, skin color, etc.) doing very advanced poses. Studio yoga seemed inaccessible and intimidating. This is where the spirit of Cambio was really summoned as Amber would catch herself daydreaming about a yoga studio that was donation and community based…one where every single person felt welcome and included. The idea seemed a true flight of fancy at the time as she hadn’t even become a yoga teacher or done any formal yoga training.

She finally started a 200 hour teacher training in 2005 and then took another in 2007. One of her teachers, Deanna Brown, taught donation classes from home, which showed Amber that it could indeed be done. As an elementary school teacher, she couldn’t afford to do a regular studio practice and, despite realizing not everyone in yoga class looked like the people in the magazines, she had never found a studio that really felt comfortable and welcoming—like coming home. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like for people with greater financial, physical, or social-construct barriers. And so, in 2009, she began this crazy, beautiful adventure with her brother, Austin, to make yoga accessible to all in the Colorado Springs area.

Amber is a forever-student. She has done 300 hour/yoga therapy trainings with both Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda and Inner Peace Yoga Therapy. She is a Registered Experienced 500 Hour Yoga Teacher and Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance as well as a Certified Yoga Therapist with International Association of Yoga Therapists. In August of 2020, she completed a 300 hour Yoga Philosophy training with Embodied Philosophy.

Through her trainings, her goal is to continue to make quality yoga and yoga teachings accessible to ALL. The more she learns, the more she can share with this amazing community. She is especially passionate about teaching yoga philosophy, practices beyond asana, and yoga history in Cambio teacher trainings, where she has used her yoga learnings and her Masters in Teaching to co-create curriculum that she hopes allows students to go deeper into the yoga tradition, to transform and inspire, and to ultimately realize that they are already whole.

Her life’s mission is to use the powers of love and creativity to contribute to the lives of others. She is humbled and grateful to be able to serve others by being a steward of Cambio. It is such a cherry on top (to say the least) that she gets to do this work with her brother, Austin, and a brilliant, dedicated team of teachers, program leaders, and fellow yogis.

Beyond yoga and Cambio, Amber loves to hike, spend time with loved ones (animals included!), read, and do creative projects around her home.

Austin Richman :: Cambio Co-Founder, Lead Teacher :: E-RYT 500

Austin believes that any sincere practitioner of yoga can benefit from taking a Tecaher Training and part of his intention in training is to forget what you know and start with an open and clear mind, as he takes the journey along with the student. Working with teachers in training is something he has been fortunate to be doing over the course of the last decade having his hand in helping well over 200 students make the profound transformation to become teachers. His teaching style is philosophical and practical and his ethos is "don't take my word for it, find out for yourself!" The trainings he and his sister Amber have developed are meant to meet the student where they are at and designed with multiple teaching styles incorporated throughout to suit any and all learning styles. He and Amber have worked hard to make sure that their trainings offer both the pragmatic aspects to help one excel in the profession but also well rounded in all the work that goes into self-care to ensure that the trainee comes out with intentions toward achieving their own personal excellence. Austin is an uplifting, philosophical, and challenging teacher who also just so happens to cherish making people laugh. Austin's overarching Yoga philosophy is that we all do yoga and it is a tool meant to aid us in achieving our hghest potential as well as a pathway toward clarity, peace and joy.

Lora Lantz :: Lead Teacher :: C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Lora brings over 13 years of teaching experience to inspire her students to discover their brightest selves both on and off the mat. Her classes are inspired by everyday life experiences with well crafted playlists and hands on assists. Through creative sequencing Lora will ask you to do things you never thought you could and loves to see students surprise themselves, no matter what their level of practice. Lora offers a different kind of vinyasa sequence. You won’t know what’s coming yet you know you’re in safe hands as her friendly voice guides you through this adventure. She will meet you on the mat with a heart full of compassion and a smile. Be prepared to move, sweat, laugh, feel, and maybe even sing along from time to time.

Lora's yoga practice was originally inspired in the basement of a gym by a handful of talented instructors. She eventually made her way to Hawaii to study with Baron Baptiste and completed his Level One Teacher Training. Additionally, she holds a current 500 hour E-RYT Yoga Alliance registration. Since her trainings, her teachings have been influenced by many wonderful instructors like Brandon Cox, Kathryn Budig, Rusty Wells, Richard Freeman, Austin Richman, Becca Roodhuyzen, Monika Kaufman, and most of all her fuzzy faced cat, Sofi. If it’s not fun, forget it! You can never get bored in yoga- there’s always something to learn, expand upon, deepen, or explore. Through consistent practice we can find freedom, freedom from our stories that hold us back and through this process together, we can smile, laugh, cry, fall, and celebrate. Shine Brightly!

Samantha Gulla :: Lead Teacher :: E-RYT 200, RYT-500

Samantha has loved yoga since the first time she stepped on the mat. Initially looking to build strength and regain some lost flexibility, she found those things along with a much deeper connection to herself, the world around her, self-love, self-acceptance, and some much-needed deep relaxation. Samantha’s strengths are a deep love of learning and her ability to sense and appreciate the beauty in all things. She is a very loving and nurturing person who brings those strengths and qualities into her teaching. She encourages students to live in the moment, appreciating each moment, knowing that they are whole and nothing is lacking. She allows each student the space to get what they need on the mat.

Off the mat, you’ll find Samantha spending time with her children, friends, and family, often on a trail while enjoying the beauty of Colorado. She loves hiking, reading, biking, baking healthy treats, and has an ever-increasing list of creative interests.

You may find Samantha teaching Vinyasa Flow, Restorative, Gentle, Power, Yoga +, Meditation, Pranayama, Yin, and Yoga Nidra, along with other special workshops and Cambio's teacher training program.

Yoga is a way of life and should be accessible to all.


Community is important. Everyone is a valuable member and we are here to serve our community.


Everyone is perfect just as they are. Everyone has their own path and is at a different point in life.


From physical abilities to beliefs, everyone is at the right place at the right time.

Cambio Yoga

3326 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado


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Teacher Training

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