
Community Satsang :: Asana with Austin Richman

It's been a while since we had our weekly satsangs (a coming together of community to talk about spiritual ideas). These kept us connected through the lockdown so we decided to go back to the basics and talk about asana. Austin discusses, with much great additional insights from the group, goals, benefits and ways to view asana to help you maintain intention, attention and joy in your practice. 
Photo of Erika outside, with her curly hair blowing in her face

Not My Plan :: A Yoga Teacher Training Journey

"Keep my head down, don't make any friends, and be back to my normal unhealthy patterns by nightfall so I could drive around to people's houses and do private yoga sessions with them all day long. Yup, that's what I thought yoga teacher training would be like and thank goodness, nothing in my plan came to fruition. What life had in store was so much greater and I just love to share my story because I still can't believe how lucky I am!"


In this week's installment of the Yoga Living Project, Cambio teacher and Extended YTT Coordinator Erika de la Cuadra shares a bit of her journey. Click below to watch!

Screenshot of Amber smiling from the Video Recording

Why are there crows in your logo?" with Amber Richman

Why are there crows in our logo? There are a few why reasons and you should listen to this story of Amber's that had our jaws dropped all the way through! Click below to watch the video.

Have your own riveting story? Email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to share.

Photo or Rich with hands at heart center

Thoughts on Teacher Training, a Video from Rich Rogers

Rich Rogers, Cambio YTT Grad (of both our 200hr & 300hr programs!) is here to tell you about his journey through teacher training -- what he enjoyed and what surprised him the most.

Our teacher training programs are starting soon so if you are interested in learn more and sign up for our upcoming Info Sessions or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Our 12 Week Intensive track will be offered ONLINE and/or in-person, but if you want to take it at your own pace, you can start Extended YTT- it's the last chance of 2020 to join!

Watch Rich share his story email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with your thoughts or proposals for the Yoga Living Project Blog - a place for all things life, love, learning & yoga.


Meditation Music for Relaxation (guided) by Spiritwell

Please enjoy this 10 minute guided mediation music for relaxation by Austin Richman and Spiritwell.

Meditation Music for Relaxation (not guided) by Spiritwell

Please enjoy this meditation music for relaxation by Spiritwell (not guided).


Photo of Erica Kafka

3 Part Breath with Erica Kafka

Join Erica Kafka for a special video featuring Long Deep Breathing- a breath technique that is relaxing and calming as well as helpful in increasing the flow of prana and the strength and endurance of your muscles of respiration.

Looking to contribute your own content? Email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Screenshot of Amber Richman in front of camera

What is Yoga? Vlog by Amber Richman

Amber Richman is back with another Vlog to break down how yoga philosophy answers the pertinent question, What is Yoga? Click the below to watch this installment of the Yoga Living Project and you just might get one of your life answers questioned in this 3 minute video. What is yoga to you? We want to hear! Email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with anything you'd like to contribute to the project.


Screen Shot of Amber & Austin Richman with Lauren McDonald from Fox21

cambio. Yoga Feautured on Local News for Colorado Springs Fitness Week

The team here at cambio. Yoga were so excited to play host to Fox21 News "Right Now" - a local morning news show - to explain our mission, greet some of our teachers and share some of our favorite things about yoga!


Image of a Neti Pot

How to Neti Pot | by Suzanne Mariska

Join Suzanne for this week's installment of Yoga Living Project as we learn the benefits of using a neti pot as well as a tutorial. Be sure to always use sterile or previously boiled water and give it a try. Let us know what you think, and as always, write Austin if you're interested in contributing at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
image of Suzanne

4 Minute Pranayama: A video with Suzanne Mariska

This week on the Yoga Living Project is a 4 Minute Pranayama practice contributed by Suzanne Mariska, focusing on Kapalabhati, otherwise known as Breath of Fire. Watch this simple and effective video to experience pranayama off the mat. As always, if there's something that you'd like to share on the blog, reach out to Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

image of Amber Richman

Vlog with Two Tips to Calm Your Mind with Pranayama by Amber Richman

We're honored to feature cambio. Yoga owner, Amber Richman, offering tangible advice on how to calm the mind using pranayama. Click the below to watch the video or read the transcript and let us know what you think! Do you have something you'd like to contribute to the blog? If so, email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yoga is a way of life and should be accessible to all.


Community is important. Everyone is a valuable member and we are here to serve our community.


Everyone is perfect just as they are. Everyone has their own path and is at a different point in life.


From physical abilities to beliefs, everyone is at the right place at the right time.

Cambio Yoga

3326 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado


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