
Black and white photo of Alyssa, up close

Making Peace with Darkness by Alyssa Corley

Cambio Instructor Alyssa Corley is returning with a bare look of bringing yoga off the mat. As cambio owner, Amber Richman reminds us, "Yoga is the art of personal responsibility," and this short, poignant post is the epitome of this sentiment and sure to inspire all. If you're looking to share a snapshot of your journey with our readers, please reach out to Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Photo of Alyssa sitting on a rock in the mountains

The Practice | With Alyssa Corley

This is my practice. These poignant words come from recent cambio YTT graduate and first time Yoga Living Project guest author, Alyssa Corley. If you're looking to go on a journey through expression and artistry, read some of Alyssa's experience of the human condition below and we dare you not to get instantly pulled in. Share your interpretation of all things life, love and yoga by reaching out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Photo of Erika by Tim Martin
Photo by Tim Martin

An Effort to Clean up my Heart | By Erika de la Cuadra

This week’s installment of Yoga Living Project concludes the theme of self care. Read below for a fresh perspective of self-reliance with the heart from cambio teacher Erika de la Cuadra. What fresh perspectives would you like to share with our blog-sphere? Email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your ideas and feedback!


Shelby in a seated side-stretch

When the Yoga “Doesn’t Work” | By Shelby Palmeri

Do you know have anxiety? You're not alone. Welcome back to the Yoga Living Project cambio. teacher Shelby Palmeri for this week's personal look at yoga as self-care in the face of anxiety, even when if feels like the quick fix you might be looking for is lost on you. Send us your thoughts and future blog ideas to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for your content to be featured.

Photo of Austin in baby cobra pose in the park

Coming Out Of The Woods: 6 Things to Embrace for Your Own Self-Care | With Austin Richman

Austin is back and this time he's working us toward the crux of self-care by creating an understanding around the qualities that create suffering in the human condition. This inspiring installment of Yoga Living Project is completed with a quick field guide to help you navigate these concepts in your daily life to keep your yoga-off-the-mat strong and rooted in compassion.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your feedback and/or content for future posts!

photo of Halle on a mountaintop

Self-Care is the Best Care | By Halle Thornton

Welcome back guest author and cambio. Yoga teacher, Halle Thornton, with a post that highlights self-care in her life with beautiful authenticity. Know that this share references eating disorders so please read at your own discretion. If you have a story you'd like to share, please do so by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Image of Austin and students

Sangha as a Form of Stewardship | By Austin Richman

In this week's installment of Yoga Living Project, Austin Richman returns to wrap up this month's theme of Community. The role of sangha (community) has the potential to be a powerful teacher and Austin explores some of the deeper forms of stewardship within that. Read below to gain insight into how your community can strengthen and find opportunities to serve those around you. As always, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have content you'd like to contribute for Yoga Living Project! 

Image of Austin and students

Vulnerability and Intimacy in the Yoga Community | By Austin Richman

This week’s installment of Yoga Living Project is brought to you by Austin Richman, whose unique perspective of how community can deepen your yoga practice is sure to influence your intentions and expectations when walking into the studio. Read below for insights on how to cross the threshold from vulnerability into intimacy, and how to hold that door open for others. What unique perspectives do view the world with? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your thoughts for future Yoga Living Project installments.

Image of Amber Richman

What is the Subtle Body Anyway? By Amber Richman

We're excited to say that this week's installment of the Yoga Living Project comes from cambio. Yoga Owner & Co-Founder Amber Richman! Amber shares her thoughts on the Subtle Body as well as a pranayama technique. Read below to learn about the subtle body including chakras, vayus, koshas and more. Do you have an experience or topic you'd like to share with our readers? If so, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be featured.


Photo of Man doing Alternate Nostril Breathing

Ida, and Pingala, and Sushumna... Oh My! By Kristen Mack

We just couldn't get enough of the Subtle Body exploration last month, so Kristen Mack returns for this week's installment of the Yoga Living Project to discuss nadis (energetic channels). Read below for Kristen's insights and suggested practices! As always, if you're interested in contributing material for the blog, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Photo of Austin at the top of the Inlcine

A Pathway To Personal Power Pt. 4 | By Austin Richman

Austin wraps up this blog series with a focus on Kundalini Shakti- the energy that can propel you to fulfill your life's work when properly managed. As always, Austin leaves you with a practice to try out at-home that is sure to elicit opinions one way or another. So give it a read, try it out and let us know what you think! Don't forget, if you have an idea for the blog you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

photo of Shelby outdoors

On Grief and Yoga | By Shelby Palmeri

Guest author and cambio teacher Shelby Palmeri returns to offer up her experience of grief and its relationship with her yoga practice. There is a lot to be taken from this week's installment of Yoga Living Project so read below to see what resonates with you. If you have an experience you'd like to share, reach out to Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contribute to the blog space!

Yoga is a way of life and should be accessible to all.


Community is important. Everyone is a valuable member and we are here to serve our community.


Everyone is perfect just as they are. Everyone has their own path and is at a different point in life.


From physical abilities to beliefs, everyone is at the right place at the right time.

Cambio Yoga

3326 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado


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