Yoga Living Project


Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts, & All Things Life, Love, Learning, & Yoga

Curated By Siblings Amber & Austin Richman




Photo of Man doing Alternate Nostril Breathing

Ida, and Pingala, and Sushumna... Oh My! By Kristen Mack

We just couldn't get enough of the Subtle Body exploration last month, so Kristen Mack returns for this week's installment of the Yoga Living Project to discuss nadis (energetic channels). Read below for Kristen's insights and suggested practices! As always, if you're interested in contributing material for the blog, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Photo of Austin at the top of the Inlcine

A Pathway To Personal Power Pt. 4 | By Austin Richman

Austin wraps up this blog series with a focus on Kundalini Shakti- the energy that can propel you to fulfill your life's work when properly managed. As always, Austin leaves you with a practice to try out at-home that is sure to elicit opinions one way or another. So give it a read, try it out and let us know what you think! Don't forget, if you have an idea for the blog you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

photo of Shelby outdoors

On Grief and Yoga | By Shelby Palmeri

Guest author and cambio teacher Shelby Palmeri returns to offer up her experience of grief and its relationship with her yoga practice. There is a lot to be taken from this week's installment of Yoga Living Project so read below to see what resonates with you. If you have an experience you'd like to share, reach out to Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to contribute to the blog space!

Photo of Austin eating watermelon on a hammock

A Pathway To Personal Power Pt. 3 | By Austin Richman

Austin Richman returns to the Yoga Living project to further the discussion of Shakti, this week exploring the relationship of energy and the mind. This week’s segment concludes with an at-home practice to help you soften into the landscape of the mind that is not to be missed. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know what you think or if this sparks an idea that you’d like to contribute to the blog!

Photo of Austin in a field

A Pathway To Personal Power Pt. 2 | By Austin Richman

In this week's installment of Yoga Living Project, Austin continues the discussion on shakti, exploring the energy in the physical matter with additional practices to put into effect. Read below to dive deeper into your search for shakti and let us know how it unfolds in your life. Would you like to write for Yoga Living Project? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to submit your work!


Photo of Austin in yoga pose

A Pathway To Personal Power Pt. 1 | By Austin Richman

Dive into the subtle energy of shakti with Austin Richman as he kicks off a blog series in this week's installment of Yoga Living Project. Read below to explore this transformational energy and for tangible advice in putting it to practice. Does this prompt an idea you'd like to share on the blog? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to submit your work!

photo of Erika holding Padme mudra

Self Expression through the Throat Chakra | with Erika de la Cuadra

In this week's installment of Yoga Living Project, we kick off June's theme of Subtle Body with some reflection of the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) from Erika de la Cuadra. Read about her experience and let us know yours! If you have something you'd like to contribute, contact Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Photo of Kristen Mack

Sthira Sukham | By Kristen Mack

Kristen Mack tackles Sthira-sukham asanam in this week's installment of Yoga Living Project. Read below to learn more about this approach to asana (the yoga poses) derived from the Yoga Sutras of Pantajali. Do you have a topic you’d like to cover? Email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

Yoga Class with students in half pigeon

The Ins & Outs of Half Pigeon | By Anna Mack

This week's installment of Yoga Living Project is brought to you by cambio's own Anna Mack! If you've practiced with her before, you know that she knows her asana, and in line with this month's theme, she's offered insight on the pose that everyone seems to have strong feelings on: half pigeon. Read, practice, and let us know what you discover. As always, reach out to Austin if you have something you'd like to share with our readers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Teacher offers a hands-on adjustment in group yoga class

The Power of Touch: How I Learned to Love Adjustments | By Shelby Palmeri

In this week's installment of the Yoga Living Project, cambio. Yoga teacher Shelby Palmeri shares what changed her mind about hands-on adjustments. Read about her journey below and if you have anything you'd like to share on the matter (or any other topic) email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Image of a Neti Pot

How to Neti Pot | by Suzanne Mariska

Join Suzanne for this week's installment of Yoga Living Project as we learn the benefits of using a neti pot as well as a tutorial. Be sure to always use sterile or previously boiled water and give it a try. Let us know what you think, and as always, write Austin if you're interested in contributing at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Suzanna playing a harmonium

Yoga in the Darkness: How to Practice When Life Hurts by Suzanne Mariska

This week's installment of Yoga Living project is brought to you by Suzanne Mariska, as she shares poignant yet graceful thoughts on a yoga practice in the midst of the pains of life. If this stirs something in your heart and inspires you to contribute, email Austin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Musings on all things life, love and yoga.

This podcast delivers interviews with yoga students, teachers, studio owners, musicians, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who may have been influenced or involved with yoga in any capacity to help us discover what it means to live your yoga.

Yoga is a way of life and should be accessible to all.


Community is important. Everyone is a valuable member and we are here to serve our community.


Everyone is perfect just as they are. Everyone has their own path and is at a different point in life.


From physical abilities to beliefs, everyone is at the right place at the right time.

Cambio Yoga

3326 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado


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